
Self-critique VS Self-destruction

A presentation, focusing on the impostor syndrome and the overall critique, we as people punish ourselfs with.

Here is my process

And here is my presentation in PDF form

Note: My presentation is heavily based on visuals, so if you want to know what I was talking about, you should have visited my TedTalk

Pepe leaving

Nah, just kidding, here is a brief insight.

Markdown presetation

Self-critique vs Self-destruction

Imagine this scenario… You are working hard, long hours, but finally, you make it. Your dream work came true.

You are proud of yourself. You achieved what you started.

And then it begins. The doubt, the thoughts, the idea of failure.

That little voice you hear, is your self-critique.

Your self-critique should look like a distinguished version of yourself, but no. It probably looks like a little green goblin #&!@ that is just pure hatred.

Self-critique can be divided into a few common forms.

First, there is

Lack of confidence.

You can lack confidence because of recent fails or unachieved goals.

Don’t ya worry my guy.

Good work will come. Everyone has ups and downs and noone is perfect all day everday. Be patient, try new things, get your mind on the right path. Adapt to your mistakes. Fails and mistakes are not something to be affraid of. Due to mistakes, you learn paths that work for you. You learn from them. You use them to your advantage.

Lastly, stop comparing yourself to others.

In the art department, its really hard to find a difference between feedback and hatred. But its an important lesson. Good people don’t mean you no harm, and certainly don’t want to insult you. Take their notes as an opportunity to grow.

but how do I stop this comparing?

Try this. Tunnel vision. When you are working (and you will, from some time to all the time) ina group, don’t look at others work. Everyone has their own ideas and own minds, we all work differently and have different views and opinions on things. Focus on yours, you are the creator, you are the one who will show others what he made.

And remember, your work matters. :)

Lack of appreciation

Everyone is trying to be the best version of yourself, be the best.


People often forget to be the best version… for themselfs.

Sometimes, all you need for a confidence boost, to see that you are appreciatieted, is to look into the past.

Yea, you maybe did something that is not the best, truth be told, even bad. But that’s one thing. One thing from a thousands of things you did in the past.

Just look at the things you done and how they worked out. You are bound to have done something, that was big and success.

Time press

A thing that will, specially for the art department, be always an enemy, is time press and time management.

Working under pressure can a good or a bad thing. For some, working under a slight pressure creates a little more importance for you, does resulting in a better focus. Other times, this pressure can stress you out to the point you don’t produce anything good anymore.

If it’s the time management thing, here is a little tip:

Let’s say your boss assigned you with alot of work, for example 6. From the first view looking like something even a group couldn’t do. And you have 24 hours to do it.

Don’t look at the work as an “the thing” and “24 hours.” – divide them to seperate time schedules, example: 4 hours per task – priporitise what needs what time (from experience or just guess) – work with these “edited” hours and woala. I bet you now know you can do it all, maybe even have some time for breaks!

Impostor syndrome

Last, but for some not least. Impostor syndrome.

It’s the worst enemy you can have. You.

Let’s face it, you heard these in your head before:

  1. It was luck or a coincidance
  2. Im not good enough for this
  3. I must do this alone
  4. I must be perfect at everything
  5. Don’t ask, they’ll think you are stupid

Yea, I guessed so.

  1. It wasn’t. You are the creator and you did what you did. It was good and you deserve credit.
  2. And you are suppose to learn new things how? Hm?! If you are not “good enough for this,” then learn it! Take risks! Make chances count! Every day is a new experience just waiting to be tried out.
  3. No you do not. Noone wants to see you fail. Ask for help. It’s not lame, it’s socially acceptable. Working with others is a basic human function, and is looked good at from all I know.
  4. And this came from where… If everyone was perfect at everything, why have different jobs? Why have multiple people working same departments? Everyone is different. You can be good at one thing and be bad at the other. Thats because the other guys will be good at that and be bad at what you do! This is what makes us special and perfect together!
  5. This point is making me have a headache. No! Asking questions is a perfect way to show your interest in the subject. You can’t miss simple or hidden details, when you ask what is on your mind. Your questions can even open space for an undiscovered topic! Who knows? The one who asks!

Overall psyche

This is a basic one, but still important.

Sometimes, you just need a break. Working hard and trying your best can be overwhelming, so why overdo it. Enjoy a break. Play a game, read a book, go lay in the sun, do something, that makes you happy and your brain go “zzz.” :)

In the end

Remember, your work matters, you matter. You are a productive person in the community. And if you sometimes encounter a wall, remember. If you can’t go through the wall, go around or over it. No wall can stop you, if you approach it with the right mindset. :)

stay cool my broskies

Cat kissing you