
Self-critique VS Self-destruction

My presentation is about the beautiful part of our mind, that tells us what a piece of #!?@ everything we do is. It’s about the fact that we, as people, doubt ourselfs in everything we do, because we compair our work to others, doubt our own ability, and have lack of confidence. Especially in our creative enviroment, the rivalry and overall competition is high.

I’m one of you, and here are some ways you can try to use, to overcome, or at least try to lower the demon, that is trying to convice you, that you are not enough.



We were tasked with coming up with a little brainstorm, just vomit out what are we going to think about, write it down. My ideas were a little messed up at the start, but then it all came up to a single theme; self-critique. All it was about is the doubt I have in myself and stuff around my own work… So I chose to go with the flow.


In class, we weren’t so keen on the progress, it was more about the thinking about the way we will present our subject of choice. We tried coming up with the names for our presentation, we also dove into the way of presenting correctly. But I came up with a name, and it will be Self-critique VS Self-destruction.


After coming up with the idea of this topic, i came up with a small mindmap, that led me to the key components of my presentation. Next up i made a whole presentation, that I will be in the next week classes, completing to its finest form.


Now I’m at a point of somewhat “half-done” work. I presented, and got a feedback with a simple “add more person(-ality).” My next step will be adding these “personal” parts, where I give specific examples of each step of my presentation, to give it a little bit of a “me” feel.