
Year End Review

1) What did you like most about this course?

I can say that I liked everything. You taught us many things in many subjects, and, what I’m the most gratefull for, is that all of them are useful in the future.

2) What did you like least about this course?

It wasn’t completely a “you” mistake, but when I was tired, watching 30 minutes long videos was kind of… It was slow. But that is completely my fault.

3) What were the top (three) things you learned this year?

That having a personality in my writing is a very important thing. Next is probably the fact that having a different approach to things is sometimes bombastic. And lastly, having a lot of it is not the key. The key is to be informative, telling the truth and to give out your context in the most understandable way possible.

4) What was the most memorable activity/assignment?

For me, it was the thesis presentation. It was made at 4 in the morning, that is something that I can surely call “a memorable activity.”

5) What’s something you accomplished this year that you are most proud of?

I’m of course proud of finishing my bachelor thesis. But in this subject, I must say that standing my ground and explaining the problem of “self-critique,” that I chose for my storytelling presentation. It was a big step talking about this topic openly and Im glad Justin was supportive in those times.

6) What’s one thing you learned about yourself?

Having a positive mindset is the bare minimum for accomplishment. You need to try things, and you need to have an open and happy mind to do so.

7) What’s one thing you could have done better?

Probably be more active. Justin, you gave us all you got, and I feel like sometimes, there were moments where we didn’t look like we appreciate you enough.

8) What’s one thing I could have done better?

Nothing. You are a perfect example of a teacher in my eyes. You engage us in conversations, in activities. You have an open mind for our ideas, for our lazy minds. You are available in off-school times. You prepare stuff that is interesting AND important. I wish at least half of my teachers in the past were at least half as fun to work with as you.

9) What’s one thing you would add or change about this course?

This, I don’t know. Because I feel like I learned so much, but at the same time, looking at your energy, I’m curious what else you are capable of! I personaly wouldn’t add anything, but if I knew what there were, I would 100% add it!

10) What advice would you give to students taking this course next year?

Enjoy every moment, work on every task, talk with Justin, never miss a single class. Every moment with Justin is a completlly different experience to other teachers, and it’s something you will remember. If it’s the study part, or the personal one, it’s worth every second.