
Voice & Tone

An overview…


If my brand was a person, I would like it to be a friend. A friend is a perfect explanation. It represents the goofy side, as well as the serious and helping side. I want my brand to be like its not the stereotypical machine that answers yes or no to your questions. I want to hear my clients desires and worries, so we can together figure it out.


Depending on the subject and size of the project, I tend to change my tone. When the work is not so hot, I tend to lean in the direction of a friendly and easy-taking form of communication. If I am cool, everyone else will be too. Because chaos produces only more chaos. But, more serious manners sometimes (even from me) need a strong leading hand. If a suggestion doesn’t make sence, don’t be affraid to say it. Your suggestion is as important as theirs.


If you would like to try my style, I would suggest this. Think of the words, that will be leading to your client/person, that this is the only time you will be talking to them. They need to understand you and remember important details. Don’t talk to people like what you are saying is “omg so obvious,” and don’t belittle someone for not knowing. Have patience and try to talk in your most friendly and understandable form you can.